Saturday True News Said Mayoral Candidates Making Fake Promises and Offer No Details on the Real Problems
None of the Candidates Talked About the MTA Funding Crisis, Rising Pension and Health Care Costs. True News said Show Us the Money to Pay for More Services Candidates Ignore Sequestration. Today we said
John Liu, echoing de Blasio, wants more transit funding from the feds is not going to happen in "sequestration Washington"
Today the Daily News Called it A Happy Talk Campaign With No Details On How to Solve the Real Problems
The big issues are sorely lacking in the Democratic mayoral campaign(NYDN Ed) Candidates squabble over minor matters Mad about school closures? We’ll be rid of them. Unhappy with police who stop and sometimes frisk people? That’ll go, too. Up against a mayor who refused to budge in a school bus strike? Just wait. The budging will start next year. To this point, Quinn, de Blasio, Controller John Liu and former Controller Bill Thompson have done little more than run against the supposed downsides of the Bloomberg way. Their plans for public safety, school achievement, clean streets, job creation, budget balancing and more are largely unknown. There’s been far too much happy talk. And that’s sad.
When You Have No Answers on How to Fix Unemployment, the City's School and A Middle Class That Can No Longer Afford to Live Here, A Shrinking Tax Base Led by A Changing Wall Street and Your Running For Mayor, Your Attack
Stupid Is As Stupid Does
Unexpected Focus at a Mayoral Forum(NYT) This year’s campaign for New York City mayor was expected to turn on police tactics, education policy and economic development. On Thursday, six of the leading candidates in the race found themselves discussing something different: mold. Each candidate tailored his or her message to the the predominantly black crowd. The audience seemed more impressed by Mr. Thompson’s proposal to throw out the current Housing Authority board and replace it with a system allowing more direct accountability to the mayor. The stormiest words came from Mr. de Blasio, who has made “tale of two cities” a rallying cry of his campaign events.
Public Advocate Bill de Blasio charged that the agency can't function well "if the mayor doesn't care about people who live in public housing. There's an old colorful Sicilian expression that says the head stinks from the head down."* Mayor Bloomberg blasted at candidates forum(NYP) * Candidates For Mayor Debate Housing Issues(NY1) * Video of the Mayoral Debate * NYC Mayoral Candidates Square Off On Housing (C&S)
Mayoral Hopeful's Decision to Accept Large Donations Challenges City Law
Upending a Campaign(WSJ) New York City mayoral hopeful George McDonald has taken on a
fight that could upend elections for years to come: challenging the
city's strict campaign-financing system. * At Last, a GOP Mayoral Hopeful Supports Romney (WSJ)
The "fiscal cliff" could cost New York millions Mayor Candidates Have No Comment, Opinion?

NYP Says UFT Delaying For A New Mayor for A Better Deal
Teacher Evaluations Deadline Again TV Ads Vs Bloomberg Likens UFT to Teachers Union
Continuing a tense public debate, Mayor Michael Bloomberg emphasized the need to negotiate a new teacher evaluation plan with the United Federation of Teachers, and compared the union to the N.R.A. for being out of sync with its members
While A Councilman Takes About Cuts to the Budget in 3 Weeks
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