A Brush With Justice Turns Sect Inward(WSJ) Some within an ultra-Orthodox Jewish enclave said a 103-year sentence for a religious counselor might reinforce suspicions that their community is being targeted by outsiders.
Incompetence or Corruption: Ultra-Orthodox Sex Abuse and the Brooklyn District Attorney(Huff Post)
Opinion: Will Weberman case be a catalyst for change ? (Jewish Star)
Weberman Also Caught in Vito Lopez Sexual Harassment Fall
Weberman Conviction A Green Shoot in Shot Gun New Journalism
NYT Left Out It Blogger Sources
It was lots of Pushing That Got Brooklyn DA Hynes to Put Weberman Away for 103 Years. The pushing started with bloggers like Failed Messiah, Survives of Justice and Voice or Justice, the Jewish Week writing stories of sexual abuse ignored by the Brooklyn DA. These bloggers and their postings hook up with the NYT's reporters in the last year. At the same time Hynes blockade of trying sexual cases against the orthodox began to make its way into the NYT, Brooklyn Democratic Boss Vito Lopez, Hynes major back of the DA reelection begain to fall his sexual harassment case also became public
The predator and the prosecutor(NYP) It was also a big win for Brooklyn DA Joe Hynes, who finally brought a sex-abuse case against a member of the insular Satmar community. Of course, only the harsh glare of the press spotlight — shone by The Post, among others — got Hynes to act. There’s no understating the importance of the 103-year prison sentence imposed this week on Nechemya Weberman. A respected member of the Satmar Hasidic community, Weberman will probably die in prison now that Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice John Ingram threw the book at him after his conviction for sexually abusing a child he was “counseling.”
Even the NYT Former Public Editor Accused his paper of lifting the Abuse Story from the Bloggers and the Jewish Week
NY Times' Push May 10, 2012
For Ultra-Orthodox in Abuse Cases, Prosecutor Has Different Rules(NYT)An influential rabbi came last summer to the Brooklyn district attorney, Charles J. Hynes,
with a message: his ultra-Orthodox advocacy group was instructing
adherent Jews that they could report allegations of child sexual abuse
to district attorneys or the police only if a rabbi first determined
that the suspicions were credible. The pronouncement was a blunt challenge to Mr. Hynes’s authority. But
the district attorney “expressed no opposition or objection,” the rabbi,
Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, recalled. On May 19, The New York Times's Public Editor Arthur Brisbane asked the question: What did The Times have to lose by crediting others? The NYT did not give any credit according to Brisbane to Hella Winston,
a freelancer for The Jewish Week who is a fellow at the Schuster
Institute who unloved most of the information in the NYT story.
Another Hynes Sexual Abuse Fog
Sam Kellner, who says his son was abused, helped
the Brooklyn DA in his fight against child sexual abuse. Now, Kellner
himself is himself facing accusations of extortion. Is he being set up? *
Brooklyn Deserves a New D.A.(Village Voice) Why the 23-year reign of Charles Hynes must end
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